Thursday, April 11, 2019

मन और शरीर एक दूसरे पर आश्रित हैं

*मन और शरीर एक दूसरे पर आश्रित हैं*

जापानी डॉक्टरों ने अनेक शोधों के पश्चात् जो बताया है कि हमारे मन-मस्तिष्क की भावनाओं का हमारे शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य पर गहरा प्रभाव पड़ता है, वह पूरी तरह सत्य है। उनके अनुसार अधिक चिंतित और तनावग्रस्त रहने से अम्लता (एसिडिटी), अपनी भावनाओं को दबाने से उच्च रक्तचाप व अवसाद, आलस्य से कोलेस्ट्रॉल बढ़ना, दु:खी रहने से दमा और स्वार्थपरता से मधुमेह जैसे रोग हो जाते हैं।

जापानी डॉक्टरों के ये निष्कर्ष पूरी तरह हमारे प्राचीन ऋषि-मुनियों के उपदेशों के अनुरूप ही हैं। रामचरितमानस में गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी ने स्पष्ट लिखा है कि मानसिक रोगों से ही शारीरिक कष्ट या रोग होते हैं-
*सुनहु तात अब मानस रोगा।*
*जिनते दुख पावहिं बहु लोगा॥*

उन्होंने इन मानसिक रोगों और उनसे उत्पन्न होने वाले शारीरिक रोगों को विस्तार से भी बताया है-
*मोह सकल ब्याधिन्ह कर मूला।*
*तेहि ते पुनि उपजहिं बहु सूला॥*
*काम वात कफ लोभ अपारा।*
*क्रोध पित्त नित छाती जारा॥*
*प्रीति करहिं जो तीनिहुँ भाई॥*
*उपजहि सन्यपात दुखदाई॥*
अर्थात् सभी बीमारियों की जड़ मोह है, जिससे सभी लोग कष्ट पाते हैं। काम या वासना से वात रोग, लोभ या स्वार्थ से कफ रोग तथा क्रोध, ईर्ष्या, घृणा, चिंता आदि से पित्त रोग रोग होते हैं। जब ये तीनों मिल जाते हैं, तो मनुष्य सन्निपात की स्थिति में पहुँच जाता है।

यह तो हम सभी जानते हैं कि आयुर्वेद के मतानुसार कफ, वात और पित्त ये तीन दोष हमारे शरीर में होते हैं। जब तक ये तीनों संतुलन की अवस्था में होते हैं, तब तक हम स्वस्थ रहते हैं और जब यह संतुलन बिगड़ जाता है, तो अनेक प्रकार के शारीरिक रोग उत्पन्न होते हैं। ये तीनों दोष हमारी मानसिक स्थिति पर अधिक निर्भर करते हैं और शारीरिक स्थिति पर कम। जैसा कि जापानी डॉक्टरों ने भी अपने शोध में बताया है कि रोगों का शारीरिक कारण केवल 10% होता है, शेष अन्य कारण हैं जिनमें आध्यात्मिक, मानसिक और सामाजिक कारण सम्मिलित हैं।

अब प्रश्न उठता है कि इस ज्ञान का रोगों को दूर करने में क्या उपयोग है? इसका उत्तर यह है कि ऊपर बतायी गयी मानसिक भावनायें शारीरिक बीमारियों का मुख्य कारण होती हैं, अत: उन कारणों को दूर कर देने पर उन रोगों को दूर करने में सहायता अवश्य मिलती है। जैसे क्रोध करने से पित्त कुपित होता है, तो प्रसन्न और संतुष्ट रहने से पित्त सामान्य हो जाना चाहिए और होता भी है। खुलकर हँसने को अनेक रोगों का इलाज बताया गया है, वह काल्पनिक नहीं है।

इसी तरह अन्य मानसिक भावनाओं के बारे में समझा जा सकता है। जिस तरह नकारात्मक भावनाओं का शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य पर बुरा प्रभाव पड़ता है, उसी तरह सकारात्मक भावनाओं का शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य पर अच्छा या सकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ना अवश्यंभावी है।

अपने मन की भावनाओं को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए कई उपाय बताये गये हैं, जैसे-
* ध्यान (योग, प्राणायाम)
* हँसना
* विचारों का प्रकटीकरण (आदान-प्रदान)
* व्यस्त रहना (बौद्धिक और शारीरिक रूप से सक्रिय रहना)
यह अवश्य है कि केवल इन्हीं उपायों पर निर्भर रहना शायद किसी रोग को दूर करने के लिए पर्याप्त न हो। अत: इनके साथ-साथ उस रोग का भौतिक उपचार भी करना चाहिए।

निष्कर्ष रूप में कहा जा सकता है कि स्वस्थ शरीर में ही स्वस्थ मन निवास करता है और स्वस्थ मन से ही शरीर को स्वस्थ रखा जा सकता है। मन और शरीर एक दूसरे पर पूरी तरह आश्रित हैं। एक के स्वास्थ्य का प्रभाव दूसरे पर पड़ना अवश्यंभावी है।

— *विजय कुमार सिंघल*
ज्येष्ठ द्वितीय कृ ८, सं २०७५ वि (६ जून २०१८)

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tips For Credit Officers And Branch Managers


Introduction: Of late, I am coming across numerous cases where officers are coming into trouble for lapses in the handling of advances which have gone bad – staff accountability studies are being carried out with greater thoroughness and our colleagues are getting hauled up even for unrelated lapses i.e. for mistakes which have had nothing to do with the failure of the advances.

I think it is high time something was done to help the situation. This write-up is a small effort in that direction.

First, I shall explain why I am focusing on advances rather than on any other area of banking.

2. What is the probability that an officer who handles an advance will have to submit an explanation when the advance goes bad ?  It is very high.  This is because the probability of any advance going bad is quite high. If you don’t believe me, please look at your Advances portfolio three years ago and check up the status of the same advances today – you will find that a large number of those advances have turned NPA.

The likelihood of your advance going bad are certainly much higher than that of your passing a forged cheque  or accepting a counterfeit note, which may happen once or twice in your entire assignment at the related desk; also in the Bank’s system, staff accountability is examined in the case of every single advance which turns NPA.

  Consequently, the chances of an officer handling advances being asked an explanation (for an NPA) are much higher than for an officer working in another area such as Accounts or Cash. Such being the situation, how shall we protect ourselves from the adverse consequences of an accountability study ?

3.   Before we go ahead, I would insist that all officers handling advances should make one very important assumption –


Am I being unduly cynical ? I think not.

Please look at paragraph 2 above. Now let us proceed to the main subject matter i.e. how to protect ourselves while dealing with advances.

3.1  For the purpose of our discussion, we may first consider the various stages in the handling of an advance starting from the time the Bank first comes into contact with the prospective borrower viz. the following:

i. Introduction of the intending borrower to the Bank

ii. Appraisal and assessment of his request for credit facilities and submission of proposal to the sanctioning authorities, including preparation of opinion reports, valuation of securities offered and TIR of properties offered for mortgage.

iii. Sanction of the credit facilities

iv. Pre-disbursal formalities such as documentation, mortgage, registration of charge with RoC and with Sub-Registrar etc.

v. Post-disbursal tasks i.e. periodical inspection, calculation of drawing power, analysis of periodical statements from borrowers, obtaining fresh opinion reports, fresh valuations of securities etc.

In the cases of renewal/enhancement of credit facilities granted to units which are already on our books, Step i. would not be there. But the other steps would be there with appropriate changes. The same is the case with accounts which are placed under restructuring.

My experience indicates that most of the lapses for which explanations are asked or disciplinary action initiated in credit-related cases, pertain to the last two stages, which can be called ‘post-sanction processes’.

I have endeavoured to address these issues through write-ups on the subject. But I do feel that such write-ups would be out of place in a Group like the present one, which is concerned more with what is to be done AFTER disciplinary action against an officer gets initiated and not so much with preventive measures.

Those of you who are interested in these write-ups may email me on my personal ID viz.

30 Important Points Before You Take Charge Of Bank Branch Or Seat ---By Sri Rsghavendra Rao

With fast retirements come fast promotions. These days scale I to II or II to III service period is reduced to 2 years in many banks. In such a short span of time youngsters don’t get much exposure and in many cases officers spend their 2-3 years in one seat only.

In many worst cases which I know new officers spend 1-2 years in cash. When they get promoted they face many issues either handling the branch or a particular seat. Officers fear to take charge of loans seat as they don’t have that much a exposure their seniors who took 5-7 years to take a single promotion.

Managers or officers become personally liable for any lapses of previous incumbent if they don’t report the matter in their joining report or in initial stages of their charge. Now here I present you your rescue points which you should take while taking charge or handling any particular seat.

All officers must read this article from point to point as you may face problems later in your career. 30 important points before you take charge of bank branch or seat -

1) Security items – the very first thing you should check is security items register. Check all Cheque books, FDRs, Demand Drafts. This security must tally with your system reports.

2) Cash balances- physical cash is another important item. Ideally you should check opening cash. Also check ATM cash or any bait money.

3) Check GLB Slip – the first thing you should ask whenever you enter a new branch is GLB slip. Check it head to head. You can easily figure out some discrepancies from GLB itself and ask the present incumbent. You can easily check sundry entries, Remittances, DNR, suspense entries etc.

4) Check loan files – checking all loan files is not possible. At least check previous one year loan files. Check outgoing incumbent has signed all the loan files. You don’t need to see files before that as inspection/ audit must have taken place before that and auditors or inspectors must have audited files earlier. Meticulously check securities attached like LIC policies , FDRs, bonds, original land registry  papers etc. also check that sanction letter are dully signed by the incumbent.

5) Check gold coins/ ornaments- gold coins must be check and gold ornaments of the customers must be checked with joint custodians and another staff officer.

6) All keys of the branch – keys of strong room, cash safe, main gate, grill, ATM room or any other safe present in the branch should be checked without fail.

7) Duplicate Keys- sealed Duplicate keys of the branch which is generally present in another branch should be checked thoroughly and any discrepancy should be reported.

8) furniture & fixture- furniture and fixture of the branch should be checked and must tally with GLB also check the depreciation register.  Depreciation and reserve must tally with the GLB slip. Also take a broader look at items listed in F&F are present in the branch.

9) FDRs opened but not printed- take a note of FDRs that are opened but not printed. Make sure you got them signed by the outgoing incumbent.

10) TDS challans properly filled- take a look at quarterly TDS challans. Check whether they are filled or not as income tax deptt imposes interest on non filling. There’re last dated for filling quarterly TDS challans.

11) KYC compliance – make sure that all accounts are KYC compiled. Most banks offer non KYC reports in the system. Take out that report and make all the Non KYC accounts KYC complied before taking charge.

12) Registers to be checked- most of the banks have many important registers in the branch check whether they are maintained or not –
a) Complaint register.
b) MDP register.
c) No dues register.
d) OBC register.
e) Voucher register.
f) Cash Register.
g) Sundry Register.
h) ATM register.
g) Furniture & Fixture Register.
h) Depreciation register.
g) Inventory movement register.
h) Key movement register.
i) NPA register.
j) Recovery Register
k) Stock Register.
l) Loan security items register.
m) Office order register.
n) Insurance register.
o) Nomination register.
p) 15G-15H register.
q) Title Deed register.

13) NPA status- NPA accounts and written off accounts status should be reported in joining report.

14) Pending credit proposals- pending credit proposals must be taken note of. And action should be initiated at the earliest. If proposals are large then meeting with parties is also a good idea.

15) Claims with CGTMSE- any claims pending with CGTMSE must be noted and necessary follow up should be started.

16) SARFAESI status- any account in which SARFAESI has been initiatedshould be noted and status of sace sould be noted.

17)  Temporary OD running – All temporary OD must be adjusted within time period of incumbent. Report should be generated of TODs and necessary action should be taken.

18) Expired Documents – take out report of all expired documents during the period of outgoing incumbent and effort should be made to renew all the expired documents before taking the charge.

19) Customer complaints – all pending customer complaints must be attended with utmost priority and outgoing incumbent should be asked to resolve the complaints which were generated during his tenure.

20) Branch security items- all items related to branch security must be assessed like fire equipments, burglar alarms, license of arm guard, CCTV etc.

21) Vigilance/ Inspection reports- you should check the latest inspection/ vigilance report and check whether proper reply/ comments of outgoing incumbent has been taken or not. Check whether queries of inspection report have been removed or not.

22)  Examining last 3-4 months sanctions minutely- last 3-4 months sanctions are to be examined minutely or say very carefully.

23) Check whether registration of equitable mortgage with CERSAI/ revenue authorities has been done or not by the outgoing incumbent.

24) Sometimes Insurance Register is not updated and assets charged to the bank, whether as principal security or as collateral, are not insured for “FULL VALUE”.

25) For larger amount loans say above Rs. 10 lacs check whether Ist stage vetting and second stage vetting is done or not. If not then get it done.

26) Bank guarantee issued are duly signed by two officials jointly, one of whom must be the Branch Manager and Manager or Branch Manager and Second Man.

27) Certified copy of the title deed offered as security is obtained from the Sub-registrar office and the same is compared with the original documents deposited for creating mortgage, by the bank lawyer/ bank officials

28) A register is maintained at the branch, wherein the date of receipt, sanction/rejection/disbursement with reasons therefore, etc. are recorded. The register is made available to all inspecting agencies.

29) CIBIL exercise is being done in loans and advances of Rs 1 lac and above. Direct report from CIBIL is being generated and CIBIL detection and updating checking is being conducted.

30) Checking and signing of all the reports generated by the system, particularly, the Exceptional reports, day book, long book and reporting of deviations.

Though I have tried to cover each and every aspect before someone take charge of a branch or seat but still suggestions of experienced folks are appreciated and may guide newly appointed branch in charges.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

किस चीज की कमी के कारण कौन सा रोग होता है

किस चीज की कमी के कारण कौन सा रोग होता है 
१.रोगी के रोग की चिकित्सा करने वाले निकृष्ट , रोग के कारणों की चिकित्सा करने वाले औसत और रोग-मुक्त रखने वाले श्रेष्ठ चिकित्सक होते है                                                                                                                                                                                            अष्ट्रांग ह्रदयम्
२. लकवा - सोडियम की कमी के कारण होता है ।
३. हाई वी पी में -  स्नान व सोने से पूर्व एक गिलास जल का सेवन करें तथा स्नान करते समय थोड़ा सा नमक पानी मे डालकर स्नान करे ।
४. लो वी पी - सेंधा नमक डालकर पानी पीयें ।
५. कूबड़ निकलना- फास्फोरस की कमी ।
६. कफ - फास्फोरस की कमी से कफ बिगड़ता है , फास्फोरस की पूर्ति हेतु आर्सेनिक की उपस्थिति जरुरी है गुड व शहद खाएं 
७. दमा, अस्थमा - सल्फर की कमी ।
८. सिजेरियन आपरेशन - आयरन , कैल्शियम की कमी ।
९. सभी क्षारीय वस्तुएं दिन डूबने के बाद खायें ।
१०. अम्लीय वस्तुएं व फल दिन डूबने से पहले खायें ।
११. जम्भाई - शरीर में आक्सीजन की कमी ।
१२. जुकाम - जो प्रातः काल जूस पीते हैं वो उस में काला नमक व अदरक डालकर पियें ।
१३. ताम्बे का पानी - प्रातः खड़े होकर नंगे पाँव पानी ना पियें ।
१४.  किडनी - भूलकर भी खड़े होकर गिलास का पानी ना पिये ।
१५. गिलास एक रेखीय होता है तथा इसका सर्फेसटेन्स अधिक होता है । गिलास अंग्रेजो ( पुर्तगाल) की सभ्यता से आयी है अतः लोटे का पानी पियें,  लोटे का कम  सर्फेसटेन्स होता है ।
१६. अस्थमा , मधुमेह , कैसर से गहरे रंग की वनस्पतियाँ बचाती हैं ।
१७. वास्तु के अनुसार जिस घर में जितना खुला स्थान होगा उस घर के लोगों का दिमाग व हृदय भी उतना ही खुला होगा ।
१८. परम्परायें वहीँ विकसित होगीं जहाँ जलवायु के अनुसार व्यवस्थायें विकसित होगीं ।
१९. पथरी - अर्जुन की छाल से पथरी की समस्यायें ना के बराबर है । 
२०. RO का पानी कभी ना पियें यह गुणवत्ता को स्थिर नहीं रखता । कुएँ का पानी पियें । बारिस का पानी सबसे अच्छा , पानी की सफाई के लिए सहिजन की फली सबसे बेहतर है ।
२१. सोकर उठते समय हमेशा दायीं करवट से उठें या जिधर का स्वर चल रहा हो उधर करवट लेकर उठें ।
२२. पेट के बल सोने से हर्निया, प्रोस्टेट, एपेंडिक्स की समस्या आती है । 
२३.  भोजन के लिए पूर्व दिशा , पढाई के लिए उत्तर दिशा बेहतर है ।
२४.  HDL बढ़ने से मोटापा कम होगा LDL व VLDL कम होगा ।
२५. गैस की समस्या होने पर भोजन में अजवाइन मिलाना शुरू कर दें ।
२६.  चीनी के अन्दर सल्फर होता जो कि पटाखों में प्रयोग होता है , यह शरीर में जाने के बाद बाहर नहीं निकलता है। चीनी खाने से पित्त बढ़ता है । 
२७.  शुक्रोज हजम नहीं होता है फ्रेक्टोज हजम होता है और भगवान् की हर मीठी चीज में फ्रेक्टोज है ।
२८. वात के असर में नींद कम आती है ।
२९.  कफ के प्रभाव में व्यक्ति प्रेम अधिक करता है ।
३०. कफ के असर में पढाई कम होती है ।
३१. पित्त के असर में पढाई अधिक होती है ।
३२. योग-प्राणायाम-  कफ प्रवृति वालों को नहीं करना चाहिए , वात प्रवृति वालों को थोडा,  पित्त प्रवृति वालों को ज्यादा करना चाहिए । 
३३.  आँखों के रोग - कैट्रेक्टस, मोतियाविन्द, ग्लूकोमा , आँखों का लाल होना आदि ज्यादातर रोग कफ के कारण होता है ।
३४. शाम को वात-नाशक चीजें खानी चाहिए ।
३५. पित्त प्रवृति वालों को प्रातः 4 बजे जाग जाना चाहिए ।
३६. सोते समय रक्त दवाव सामान्य या सामान्य से कम होता है ।
३७. व्यायाम - वात रोगियों के लिए मालिश के बाद व्यायाम , पित्त वालों को व्यायाम के बाद मालिश करनी चाहिए । कफ के लोगों को स्नान के बाद मालिश करनी चाहिए ।
३८. भारत की जलवायु वात प्रकृति की है दौड़ की बजाय सूर्य नमस्कार करना चाहिए ।
३९. जो माताएं घरेलू कार्य करती हैं उनके लिए व्यायाम जरुरी नहीं ।
४०. निद्रा से पित्त शांत होता है , मालिश से वायु शांति होती है , उल्टी से कफ शांत होता है तथा उपवास ( लंघन ) से बुखार शांत होता है ।
४१.  भारी वस्तुयें शरीर का रक्तदाब बढाती है , क्योंकि उनका गुरुत्व अधिक होता है 
४२. दुनियां के महान वैज्ञानिक का स्कूली शिक्षा का सफ़र अच्छा नहीं रहा, चाहे वह 8 वीं फेल न्यूटन हों या 9 वीं फेल आइस्टीन हों , 
43. माँस खाने वालों के शरीर से अम्ल-स्राव करने वाली ग्रंथियाँ प्रभावित होती हैं ।
४४. तेल हमेशा गाढ़ा खाना चाहिएं सिर्फ लकडी वाली घाणी का , दूध हमेशा पतला पीना चाहिए ।
४५. छिलके वाली दाल-सब्जियों से कोलेस्ट्रोल हमेशा घटता है । 
४६. कोलेस्ट्रोल की बढ़ी हुई स्थिति में इन्सुलिन खून में नहीं जा पाता है । ब्लड शुगर का सम्बन्ध ग्लूकोस के साथ नहीं अपितु कोलेस्ट्रोल के साथ है ।
४७. मिर्गी दौरे में अमोनिया या चूने की गंध सूँघानी चाहिए । 
४८. सिरदर्द में एक चुटकी नौसादर व अदरक का रस रोगी को सुंघायें ।
४९. भोजन के पहले मीठा खाने से बाद में खट्टा खाने से शुगर नहीं होता है । 
५०. भोजन के आधे घंटे पहले सलाद खाएं उसके बाद भोजन करें । 
५१. अवसाद में आयरन , कैल्शियम , फास्फोरस की कमी हो जाती है । फास्फोरस गुड और अमरुद में अधिक है । 
५२.  पीले केले में आयरन कम और कैल्शियम अधिक होता है । हरे केले में कैल्शियम थोडा कम लेकिन फास्फोरस ज्यादा होता है तथा लाल केले में कैल्शियम कम आयरन ज्यादा होता है । हर हरी चीज में भरपूर फास्फोरस होती है, वही हरी चीज पकने के बाद पीली हो जाती है जिसमे कैल्शियम अधिक होता है ।
५३.  छोटे केले में बड़े केले से ज्यादा कैल्शियम होता है 
५४. रसौली की गलाने वाली सारी दवाएँ चूने से बनती हैं 
५५.  हेपेटाइट्स A से E तक के लिए चूना बेहतर है ।
५६. एंटी टिटनेस के लिए हाईपेरियम 200 की दो-दो बूंद 10-10 मिनट पर तीन बार दे ।
५७. ऐसी चोट जिसमे खून जम गया हो उसके लिए नैट्रमसल्फ दो-दो बूंद 10-10 मिनट पर तीन बार दें । बच्चो को एक बूंद पानी में डालकर दें । 
५८. मोटे लोगों में कैल्शियम की कमी होती है अतः त्रिफला दें । त्रिकूट ( सोंठ+कालीमिर्च+ मघा पीपली ) भी दे सकते हैं ।
५९. अस्थमा में नारियल दें । नारियल फल होते हुए भी क्षारीय है ।दालचीनी + गुड + नारियल दें ।
६०. चूना बालों को मजबूत करता है तथा आँखों की रोशनी बढाता है । 
६१.  दूध का सर्फेसटेंसेज कम होने से त्वचा का कचरा बाहर निकाल देता है ।
६२.  गाय की घी सबसे अधिक पित्तवर्धक व कफ व वायुनाशक है । 
६३.  जिस भोजन में सूर्य का प्रकाश व हवा का स्पर्श ना हो उसे नहीं खाना चाहिए । जैसे - प्रेशर कूकर
६४.  गौ-मूत्र अर्क आँखों में ना डालें ।
६५.  गाय के दूध में घी मिलाकर देने से कफ की संभावना कम होती है लेकिन चीनी मिलाकर देने से कफ बढ़ता है ।
६६.  मासिक के दौरान वायु बढ़ जाता है , ३-४ दिन स्त्रियों को उल्टा सोना चाहिए इससे  गर्भाशय फैलने का खतरा नहीं रहता है । दर्द की स्थति में गर्म पानी में देशी घी दो चम्मच डालकर पियें ।
६७. रात में आलू खाने से वजन बढ़ता है ।
६८. भोजन के बाद बज्रासन में बैठने से वात नियंत्रित होता है ।
६९. भोजन के बाद कंघी करें कंघी करते समय आपके बालों में कंघी के दांत चुभने चाहिए । बाल जल्द सफ़ेद नहीं होगा ।
७०. अजवाईन अपान वायु को बढ़ा देता है जिससे पेट की समस्यायें कम होती है । 
७१. अगर पेट में मल बंध गया है तो अदरक का रस या सोंठ का प्रयोग करें ।
७२. कब्ज होने की अवस्था में सुबह पानी पीकर कुछ देर एडियों के बल चलना चाहिए । 
७३. रास्ता चलने, श्रम कार्य के बाद थकने पर या धातु गर्म होने पर दायीं करवट लेटना चाहिए । 
७४. जो दिन मे दायीं करवट लेता है तथा रात्रि में बायीं करवट लेता है उसे थकान व शारीरिक पीड़ा कम होती है । 
७५.  बिना कैल्शियम की उपस्थिति के कोई भी विटामिन व पोषक तत्व पूर्ण कार्य नहीं करते है ।
७६. स्वस्थ्य व्यक्ति सिर्फ 5 मिनट शौच में लगाता है ।
७७. भोजन करते समय डकार आपके भोजन को पूर्ण और हाजमे को संतुष्टि का संकेत है ।
७८. सुबह के नाश्ते में फल , दोपहर को दही व रात्रि को दूध का सेवन करना चाहिए । 
७९. रात्रि को कभी भी अधिक प्रोटीन वाली वस्तुयें नहीं खानी चाहिए । जैसे - दाल , पनीर , राजमा , लोबिया आदि । 
८०.  शौच और भोजन के समय मुंह बंद रखें , भोजन के समय टी वी ना देखें । 
८१. मासिक चक्र के दौरान स्त्री को ठंडे पानी से स्नान , व आग से दूर रहना चाहिए । 
८२. जो बीमारी जितनी देर से आती है , वह उतनी देर से जाती भी है । 
८३. जो बीमारी अंदर से आती है , उसका समाधान भी अंदर से ही होना चाहिए ।
८४. एलोपैथी ने एक ही चीज दी है , दर्द से राहत । आज एलोपैथी की दवाओं के कारण ही लोगों की किडनी , लीवर , आतें , हृदय ख़राब हो रहे हैं । एलोपैथी एक बिमारी खत्म करती है तो दस बिमारी देकर भी जाती है ।
 ८५. खाने की बस्तु में कभी भी ऊपर से नमक नहीं डालना चाहिए , ब्लड-प्रेशर बढ़ता है । 
८६ .  रंगों द्वारा चिकित्सा करने के लिए इंद्रधनुष को समझ लें , पहले जामुनी , फिर नीला ..... अंत में लाल रंग । 
८७ . छोटे बच्चों को सबसे अधिक सोना चाहिए , क्योंकि उनमें वह कफ प्रवृति होती है , स्त्री को भी पुरुष से अधिक विश्राम करना चाहिए । 
८८. जो सूर्य निकलने के बाद उठते हैं , उन्हें पेट की भयंकर बीमारियां होती है , क्योंकि बड़ी आँत मल के चूसने लगता है । 
८९.  बिना शरीर की गंदगी निकाले स्वास्थ्य शरीर की कल्पना निरर्थक है , मल-मूत्र से 5% , कार्बन डाई ऑक्साइड छोड़ने से 22 %, तथा पसीना निकलने लगभग 70 % शरीर से विजातीय तत्व निकलते हैं । 
९०. चिंता , क्रोध , ईष्या करने से गलत हार्मोन्स का निर्माण होता है जिससे कब्ज , बबासीर , अजीर्ण , अपच , रक्तचाप , थायरायड की समस्या उतपन्न होती है ।                                                                                                                                                       ९१.  गर्मियों में बेल , गुलकंद , तरबूजा , खरबूजा व सर्दियों में सफ़ेद मूसली , सोंठ का प्रयोग करें ।
९२. प्रसव के बाद माँ का पीला दूध बच्चे की प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को 10 गुना बढ़ा देता है । बच्चो को टीके लगाने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती  है ।
९३. रात को सोते समय सर्दियों में देशी मधु लगाकर सोयें त्वचा में निखार आएगा ।
९४. दुनिया में कोई चीज व्यर्थ नहीं , हमें उपयोग करना आना चाहिए ।
९५. जो अपने दुखों को दूर करके दूसरों के भी दुःखों को दूर करता है , वही मोक्ष का अधिकारी है । 
९६. सोने से आधे घंटे पूर्व जल का सेवन करने से वायु नियंत्रित होती है , लकवा , हार्ट-अटैक का खतरा कम होता है । 
९७. स्नान से पूर्व और भोजन के बाद पेशाब जाने से रक्तचाप नियंत्रित होता है । 
९८ . तेज धूप में चलने के बाद , शारीरिक श्रम करने के बाद , शौच से आने के तुरंत बाद जल का सेवन निषिद्ध है । 
९९. त्रिफला अमृत है जिससे वात, पित्त , कफ तीनो शांत होते हैं । इसके अतिरिक्त भोजन के बाद पान व चूना ।  देशी गाय का घी , गौ-मूत्र भी त्रिदोष नाशक है ।
१००. इस विश्व की सबसे मँहगी दवा लार है , जो प्रकृति ने तुम्हें अनमोल दी है ,  इसे ना थूके ।

*Diebetes /  शुगर*
*एक नंगा सच.. जानिये.!*

*लूट मचाने के लिए दवा कंपनियाँ किस हद तक गिर सकती आप अनुमान भी नहीं लगा सकते..*

*अभी कुछ समय पूर्व स्पेन मे शुगर की दवा बेचने वाली बड़ी-बड़ी कंपनियो की एक बैठक हुई है ,दवाओ की बिक्री बढ़ाने के लिए एक सुझाव दिया गया है कि अगर शरीर मे सामान्य शुगर का मानक 120 से कम कर 100 कर दिया जाये तो शुगर की दवाओं की बिक्री 40 % तक बढ़ जाएगी*

आपकी जानकारी के लिए बता दूँ *बहुत समय पूर्व शरीर मे सामान्य शुगर का मानक 160 था दवाओ की बिक्री बढ़ाने के लिए ही इसे कम करते-करते 120 तक लाया गया है जिसे भविष्य मे 100 तक करने की संभावना है!*

ये *एलोपेथी दवा कंपनियाँ लूटने के लिए किस स्तर तक गिर सकती है ये इसका जीता जागता उदाहरण है आज मैडीकल साईंस के अनुसार शरीर मे सामान्य शुगर का मानक 80 से 120 है*

अब मान लो दवा कंपनियो के साथ मिलीभगत कर इन्होने कुछ फर्जी शोध की आड़ मे नया मानक 70 से 100 तय कर दिया, अब अच्छा भला व्यक्ति शुगर टेस्ट करवाये और शुगर का सतर 100 से 110 के बीच आए ,तो डाक्टर आपको शुगर का रोगी घोषित कर देगा,

*भय के कारण आप शुगर की एलोपेथी दवाएं लेना शुरू कर देंगे, अब शुगर तो पहले से सामान्य थी आपने जो भय के कारण शुगर कम करने की दवा ली तो उल्टा शरीर मे और कमजोरी महसूस होने लगेगी*
*आप फिर इस अंधी खाई मे गिरते चले जाएंगे*

और मान लो आप जैसे 2 -3 करोड़ लोग भी इस साजिश का शिकार हुए तो ये एलोपेथी दवा कंपनियाँ लाखो करोड़ का व्यापार कर डालेंगी
*एक नंगा सच.. जानिये.! क्या आप जानते हैं.....* 

*1997 से पहले fasting diebetes की limit 140 थी।*
*फिर fasting sugar की limit 126 कर दी गयी।*
इससे *World Population में 14% diebetec लोग अचानक बढ़ गए।*
उसके बाद *2003 में WHO ने फिर से fasting sugar की limit कम करके 100 कर दी।*
याने *फिर से total Population के करीबन 70% लोग Diebetec माने जाने लगे।*

दरअसल diebetes ratio या limit तय करने वाली कुछ pharmaceutical कंपनियां थीं जो WHO को घूस खिलाकर अपने व्यापार को बढ़ाने के लिये ये सब करवा रही थीं।

और अपना बिज़नेस बढ़ाने के लिए ये किया जाता रहा।

लेकिन क्या *आपको पता है कि
हकीकत में डायबिटीज को कैसे जांचना चाहिए ?*

कैसे पता चलेगा कि आप डायबिटीज के शिकार हैं भी या नहीं ?

पुराने जमाने के इलाज़ के हिसाब से
*डायबिटीज चेक करने का एक सरल उपाय है :-*
*आप की उम्र और + 100*
*जी हाँ यही एक सचाई है*

अगर आपकी उम्र 65 है तो आपका सुगर लेवल खाने के बाद 165 होना चाहिये।
*अगर आपकी age 75 है तो आपका नॉर्मल सुगर लेवेल खाने के बाद 175 होना चाहिए।*
अगर ऐसा है तो इसका मतलब आपको डायबिटीज नहीं है।

ये होता है age के हिसाब से यानी.. 
So now you can count your diebetec limit as 100 + your age.

*अगर आपकी उम्र 80 है तो फिर आपकी डायबिटिक लिमिट खाने के बाद 180 काउंट की जानी चाहिये।*
मतलब अगर आपका सुगर लेवल इस उम्र में भी 180 है तो आप डायबिटिक नहीं हैं।
आपकी गिनती नॉर्मल इंसान जैसी होनी चाहिये।

लेकिन W.H.O. को अपने कॉन्फिडेंस में लेकर बहुत सारी फार्मा कम्पनियों ने अपने व्यापार के लिये सुगर लेवेल में उथल पुथल कर दी और आम जनता उस चक्रव्यूह में फंस गई।

No Doctor can guide u.
No one will advice u.
But its a bitter truth.!

उसके साथ साथ एक सच ये भी है कि--

अगर आपकी पाचन शक्ति उत्तम है तो आपको कोई टेंशन लेने की कोई जरूरत नहीं है
या फिर आप अपने जीवन में कोई टेंशन नहीं लेते।
आप अच्छा खाना खाते हो
आप जंक फूड, ज्यादा मसालेदार या तैलीय भोजन या फ़्राईड फूड नहीं खाते
आप रेगुलर योगा या कसरत करते हैं
और आपका वजन आपकी हाइट के हिसाब के बराबर है
तो आपको डायबिटीज हो ही नहीं सकती।
यही सत्य है, बस टेंशन न लें अच्छा खाना खाएं, एक्सरसाइज करते रहें।

*पोस्ट को शेयर करना मत भूलिए ...* 

*जागो और दूसरों को जगाओ !*

Monday, July 31, 2017

57 Lakh Families Curse LIC

 Following are some data collected from Annual Financial report of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC )as at 31.03.2016 and as at 31.03.2015        ( all amount in rupees in crores )

 Particulars                                March 2016                   March 2015

Capital in Crores                                         34847                                     35680

Number of Branches                            11071                                  11030
Number of Agents (individual)       20,16 565                      20, 67 856

Number of employees                                  2 47 541                                2 49 221

Total assets                                                   25 29 390                            23 44 228

Equity Investment  Mkt value                 5 95 389                                  7 29 967

Infrastructure                                              3 06 492                                 2 91 332

Renewal Premium                              2 27 796                      2 14 398


Particulars                     Maturity Claim Settled                                          Not Settled in number                                               

2015-16               205.75 crore  Rs.88 857.45 crore                                                0.25%                                

Death Claim Settled        9.96 crore claims    Rs.12184.20 crores              Not settled 0.45%

It means about 52 lac+ maturity claims are not yet settled by LIC and about 4.5 lac claims related to death claim not yet settled, altogether about 57 lac people are deprived of their claim for some reason or the other. 

57 lac (Fifty Seven Lakh claims) is not a small figure . LIC has been  working with the help of 20 16 565 agents and 2 47 541 employees posted in  11071 branches. It means on an average  515 claims per branch are unsettled inspite of the fact that they have manpower of more than 22 lac to serve LIC which means to serve the clients of LIC. 

If all employees ( including agents ) are allotted only 3 claims to settle , they can settle easily 57 lac pending complaints. It is not a tough task provided there is a will to do it. 

On the contrary , if LIC employees only searche loopholes and negative points in any claim lodged with it , they may get hundreds of excuses for not settling a claim. They have to be sensitive to policy holders or claimants . Claimants do not fall from heaven and all are not fake , they ask their money back, nothing else, nothing more.

After all , these employees and agents associated with  LIC only are duty bound to give back money which they mobilise during a period of years and decades. I myself a victim of brainless and illogical responses given by LIC staff in not paying me full and final amount of my matured policy for which I invested my hard earned money for 13 years. I am in correspondence with LIC and they have turned deaf ears towards me. And the fact is that even regulators are working as forwarding agents only, they too do not apply their mind . Offices like IRDA or Ombudsman or PMO are also manned by retired LIC staff in general and hence they have more sympathy to erring LIC staff than suffering claimants. 

I just imagine , what will happen to those illiterates and semi educated persons who buy policies under motivation of agents but who do not know how to write letter to an office. I am embarrassed to visualise a picture which will emerge to nominee of the policy after the death of the policy holders. Claimants sometimes surrender after running from pillar to post , this is called 'Laphitasahi'. People rune from one table to other and from one office to other , but solution seldom come out in some cases. LIC like other PSUs portray its rosy picture only by showing good points and then win the blessings of ministers by applying mostly other modern era techniques.

A policy is sold by an agent or an employee only after he meets and visits a person several times to convince him and hence there is no doubt in it  that the concerned agent knows everything about the person to whom he or she sells a policy. To make it more clear , all life policies are sold by an insurance company only after knowing A to Z about the insured. As such if a claim arises either due to maturity or due to death , an agent or an employee can establish the genuinity of claims and settle them easily , or they may seek a guarantee of the other person. No question arises of false claim or LIC failed to establish truth of the claim. 

If there is a will there is a way. If they have a positive attitude to help the claimant, they can do it in several ways. But on the contrary , if LIC agents and employees are meant only for selling the policy , then policy holders or nominee become helpless. 

LIC is morally bound to give back the money to successor of the deceased to to refund the money to policy holders on maturity .But unfortunately they make so many excuses, demand so many formalities to be completed and ask for several papers and documents that even genuine claimant find it difficult to cope with and finally think it wise to sacrifice  the value instead of wasting precious time behind useless and non-cooperative staff and agents of LIC. In some cases they become too insensitive. Other branches do not help policy holder of different branch. LIC , though hundred year old organisation and dealing in money only ,is not yet online unlike other financial institutes. They still issue policy in manual forms and not in Demat forms. It is really pathetic.

There are lacs of such cases which are not claimed at all. It means policy holder dies without making anyone behind him aware of the policy bought and the benefits which accrue after the death. There are many such cases where there is no claimant at all. Some policy holders die before maturity of policy and even family members are unaware of the premiums deposited by deceased. in some cases , premiums are deposited but number mentioned is wrong. These amount reamin as unclaimed and unsolicited. 

And hundreds and thousands of crores of rupees are with LIC as unclaimed deposits , either in sundry deposit account or in current account . Details of such unclaimed fund is reflected here below. 

In such cases there may be  clearly only two options. One is claimant available and another is absence of any claimant. In case of former cases, LIC must pay the money to claimant , even if it requires to sacrifice some traditional rules and formalities. But in case of the later , it is established that there is no claimant left behind the insured, the amount should be credited to social welfare fund of Government of India . In any way, it is not proper to keep the claims unsettled for years and decades and keep the fund idle . 

LIC and Government of India must come forward voluntarily to give back the money to the person or his successor without any delay. Otherwise LIC will lose the trust of the person. 

There is no doubt in it that at least 57 lac people and their families are abusing and cursing LIC staff for non-receipt of their money , on maturity or on death. In addition to it are those who have not claimed due to ignorance or poor knowledge. It is painful that GOI is silent spectator of this reign of injustice prevailing in LIC. 

Government Considers LIC healthy and growing only if it receives some dividend from it, or if LIC helps the government in investing in sinking banks or PSUs or private companies of the choice of politicians.

After all, LIC is formed not for doing any business or for earning profit out of it, it has been formed with pious intention of serving the person in crisis or person in need of money . LIC has to give maximum advantage to its policyholders and not to distribute all gains among employees and agents only . 

  • There are more than one lac branches of banks in India and more than two lacs ATMs in India , still there do not have so many manpower as LIC have. Total employees in all banks will hardly cross ten lac whereas LIC has 22 lakh manpower to support its business. 

  • LIC has simply to keep accounting of money it receives as premiums and pay the money after maturity or after death to claimant. Whereas bank staff has to undertake several responsibility right from opening a bank account to lending, investment , recovery of money from borrowers, issuance of drafts, managing NEFT etc and so many other functions. Not only this Bank people have also started selling insurance products simultaneously doing their banking work . 

  • Bankers have to take care of  about one crore crore rupees as loan assets whereas total assets of LIC is less than 25 lac crore. Still standard of service extended by LIC is so poor and miserable. 

I therefore appeal to Government of India to look into where are the leakages, why are claims not settled and paid to genuine persons, why so many employees and agents are unable to trace out genuine owner of fund they have with them as unclaimed or unsettled and why LIC management do not take initiative to search the people and pay the money to deserving persons. An agent meet hundred times to sell a policy, make hundreds of calls to search a buyer and to collect premium in time, why can’t they help in payment of maturity value to policy holder and settlement of claim after death. 

I ask a last question, what LIC staff and agents will do when their own claim is not settled on maturity by an insuring company or when their family member do not get insurance value after death of their kith and kin . Such position may arise in their family , not directly with LIC because they treat LIC as their own asset, but with other general insurers or life insurers working in the market. If LIC staff are treated badly by other government departments , they will realise the pain of others. 


Particulars  Amount spent in crores  in 15-16    Amount spent in Crores in 14-15

Agent Commission                                                15477                                              15092

Employees salary  & other benefits                  14659                                               14523

Other management expenses                              8033                                               7869

Other outgo (tax , transfer to reserve               6644                                               5063

To Central Government 5% valuation  surplus    2497                                          1803

Total  expenses                                                     47310 crore                                      44350


LIC is spending Rs.47310 crore in doing business every year  which appears to be far more than normal cost of doing business in other sectors.

Particular                                         Current Year                                   Previous year

Sundry Creditors                                          165.14                                           178.54 crore 

Claims outstanding                                    1898.80                                         3157.80 crore

outstanding unclaimed amount                    949.88                                           221.99 crore

Life Department current account               13289.38                                     13072.26 crore

Will government order CAG audit of state of affairs going on in LIC?

Earning profit is one thing and ensuring adequate profitability is different. Giving penny dividend to policy holders is one thing and giving justifying return to investors is different. 

Money deposited in LIC is normally to mitigate the hardship of survivors after the death of policy holders and hence non-return of such money to policy holders in time or to family of policy holders is a sin which God will never forgive.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Power Of Attorney Holder Cannot Sell Property

Message which I received on Whatsapp and Facebook related to registration of title deed executed by Power of Attorney holder says that a buyer should not buy a property which is sold by PA and if he or she does so , his ownership of property may not stand valid in the eyes of law. This is a message copied from an old judgement of Supreme Court which was published in Newspaper in the year 2011.

In this regard , the Supreme Court has given the ruling many times in the past too. I therefore submit below first , the latest message I received, and then copy of news items related to this subject published a few years ago for your ready reference. 

Sale of property through power of attorney not valid

Property sales through the common practice of general power of attorney (GPA) will not give ownership title to the buyer.

In a landmark judgment that is expected to send a large number of property owners into a tizzy, the Supreme Court held that the GPA method of immovable property sales is not a valid form of transfer of property.

A three-judge bench presided over by Justice R. V. Raveendran said that property can be lawfully transferred only through"A power of attorney is not an instrument of transfer in regard to any right, title or interest in an immovable property," the bench said, after interpreting various provisions of the law concerning property sales. However, the bench said the judgment will not affect "genuine transactions" under the GPA.

The judgment delivered on Wednesday would have an impact on both freehold and leasehold properties and affect the mode of transfer of property in Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) where GPA sales are very common. Even though it can cause some hardship to those who have already purchased property through the GPA, the order will help curb evasion of duties, flow of black money into real estate and also save people from being cheated by unscrupulous owners selling the same property to several people.

Navin Raheja, chairman and managing director of Raheja Developers said, "The court's decision will help to curb the circulation of black money to some extent in the real estate sector where titles are manipulated. Besides, many property transactions where prices are rounded off will be affected. However, overall there won't be any significant impact on normal property sales."

The apex court said there can be no mutation of property in municipal and revenue records on the basis of such documents. The bench, however, clarified that its order should not be a ground for disturbing mutations already effected by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) or any other authority.

But, there is little relief for thousands of people who hold property without mutation as GPA sales can only be treated as existing sale agreements. An application of the order with prospective effect would have protected their interest. The court, though, stressed that it had merely reiterated the well- settled legal position that such transactions cannot be treated as completed transfers.

The court could not make the order applicable with prospective effect as it had not laid down any new law. However, it said that those who had already bought property through GPA before its judgment could use the documents to apply for regularisation of allotments and leases by development authorities. "Nothing prevents affected parties from getting registered deeds of conveyance to complete their title. The said transactions may also be used to obtain specific performance or to defend possession under section 53A of TP (Transfer of Property) Act," the court said.

In order to ensure that GPA continues to serve its purpose, the court said its judgment will not affect the validity of sale agreements and powers of attorney executed in genuine transactions. "For example, a person may give a power of attorney to his spouse, son, daughter, brother, sister or a relative to manage his affairs or to execute a deed of conveyance."

The court further said that a person can enter into a development agreement with a land developer or builder for developing the land either by forming plots or by constructing apartment buildings. In that connection he can execute an agreement of sale and grant a power of attorney that will allow the developer to further sell the property to prospective purchasers.

While hearing a matter on the subject, the court had decided to clarify the law on the issue as such transfers had not only led to evasion of stamp duty and registration charges but had also provided scope for investing black money in real estate. Besides, such transfers were giving nightmares to bona fide purchasers as the same property could be sold to several people in the absence of verification or certification of title. A proper verification of ownership was possible only if all property were transferred through registered sale deeds.

Noting that such transactions were now not just limited to Delhi but had spread to neighbouring areas, the court had sought the views of the Centre and the states of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. There was a near unanimity that such transactions should be discouraged as it caused loss of revenue and increased litigation due to defective titles.

Going into the legality of such transfers, the court said any contract of sale which was not a registered sale deed would fall short of the requirements of the relevant provisions of the Transfer of Property Act and could not confer any title. The court said a transfer of property by way of sale could only be by a sale deed. "In the absence of a deed of conveyance (duly stamped and registered as required by law), no right, title or interest in an immovable property can be transferred," the bench said. registered sale deeds.

Following are taken from Newspaper to further substantiate that PA cannot sell the property

This news published in Business Standard  in March 2017

Why you must use special power of attorney in property matters

Despite the Supreme Court (SC) coming down heavily on misuse of the power of attorney (PoA) and clarifying its relevance, it continues to be misused. When Dhruv Rawat was looking for a house, an agent showed him a flat that was sold by the government through a lottery three years earlier. While it was cheaper, there was a problem. The owner was not allowed to sell it for another two years. The agent suggested an easy way out: The owner gives Rawat an irrevocable power of attorney. When Rawat consulted a lawyer, he was advised against the deal.

“As there was a rampant misuse of general power of attorney (GPA), the SC had clarified that the instrument does not give ownership title to the holder,” says Hormuz Mehta, partner, J Sagar Associates. This means the holder of a GPA cannot sell the property on behalf of the original owner (donor of the PoA).

Misconceptions: Many individuals traditionally used GPA in a property transaction to avoid paying stamp duty and registration. There has been a misconception that the GPA gives them ownership rights. But, if there’s a dispute, the GPA holder could lose his rights to the property, based on the apex court’s judgment, according to lawyers.

The GPA essentially means the holder is an agent of the donor. Explains Radhika Dudhat Pereira, partner at Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas: “Depending on the specifics of the GPA, the holder can represent the donor in court, at a bank, or any other institution. He can apply for permissions at various authorities. It’s similar to a letter of authority to undertake specific acts on behalf of the donor. But it does not allow the holder to create interest of any nature - for which a special power of attorney will be necessary.”

GPA is commonly used by non-resident Indians (NRIs). They authorise a person on their behalf to take care of various matters back home. It could be for representing the owner in society meetings or dealing with banks and other financial institutions. To make it a valid legal document, a GPA needs to be stamped and signed by a notary. “Clarity is still needed on whether GPA continues to exist after death of the donor or ceases as a valid legal document. Various high courts have taken different views on this,” says Mehta of J Sagar Associates.

PoA for immovable property: In real estate-related matters, a specific or special power of attorney (SPA) needs to be compulsorily registered to give it legal sanctity. The stamp duty on this SPA varies depending on whether the SPA is given to a relative or a third party.

Explains Meenakshi Iyer, partner at Advaya Legal: “As per Article 48 of the Maharashtra Stamp Act, the stamp duty payable on a specific PoA authorising to sell or transfer immovable property, without consideration when given to a close relative like parents, siblings, children, etc, shall be Rs 500.” Other states, too, follow a similar procedure, say lawyers.

If it is executed in favour of a person other than a close relative, authorising him to transfer (or sell) the immovable property, the stamp duty payable is the same as that on the sale of property. Any PoA granted to a person for sale of an immovable property will have to be compulsorily registered with the applicable sub-registrar of assurances, failing which it cannot be put to use.

The stamp duty is collected at the time of registration of SPA to fill the loophole that existed earlier. In the past, there have been cases where an owner of a property sold it to multiple buyers by giving them power of attorney. When a person searches for titles at a registrar’s office, the ownership of only those properties are reflected on which stamp duty and registration has been paid. Those owners who entered into the transaction based on PoA, later found out that many other claiming a stake on the property, leading to court cases.

Be cautious: In cases like Rawat’s, opting for an SPA can cause trouble to the buyer in the future. There’s already a time restriction imposed by the government. If the buyer still enters into a deal with the house owner through an SPA, and there’s a dispute later, the buyer is likely to lose the case, according to lawyers. The sale would be termed ‘null and void’. Lawyers suggest a property buyer should avoid purchasing houses that have government restrictions on sale. These include state government housing projects and slum redevelopment schemes. Many also buy agricultural land based solely on power of attorney — not advisable, unless the original owner gets the status changed to ‘non-agricultural’. In property matters, always consult a lawyer before giving a PoA or becoming a holder.

No property sale on power of attorney: Supreme Court
The court rules that transfer through general power of attorney cannot give ownesrship title to the buyer.
Published in India Today on Oct 13 2011

Property sales through the common practice of general power of attorney (GPA) will not give ownership title to the buyer.

In a landmark judgment that is expected to send a large number of property owners into a tizzy, the Supreme Court held that the GPA method of immovable property sales is not a valid form of transfer of property.

A three-judge bench presided over by Justice R. V. Raveendran said that property can be lawfully transferred only through registered sale deeds.

"A power of attorney is not an instrument of transfer in regard to any right, title or interest in an immovable property," the bench said, after interpreting various provisions of the law concerning property sales. However, the bench said the judgment will not affect "genuine transactions" under the GPA.

The judgment delivered on Wednesday would have an impact on both freehold and leasehold properties and affect the mode of transfer of property in Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) where GPA sales are very common. Even though it can cause some hardship to those who have already purchased property through the GPA, the order will help curb evasion of duties, flow of black money into real estate and also save people from being cheated by unscrupulous owners selling the same property to several people.

Navin Raheja, chairman and managing director of Raheja Developers said, "The court's decision will help to curb the circulation of black money to some extent in the real estate sector where titles are manipulated. Besides, many property transactions where prices are rounded off will be affected. However, overall there won't be any significant impact on normal property sales."

The apex court said there can be no mutation of property in municipal and revenue records on the basis of such documents. The bench, however, clarified that its order should not be a ground for disturbing mutations already effected by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) or any other authority.

But, there is little relief for thousands of people who hold property without mutation as GPA sales can only be treated as existing sale agreements. An application of the order with prospective effect would have protected their interest. The court, though, stressed that it had merely reiterated the well- settled legal position that such transactions cannot be treated as completed transfers.

The court could not make the order applicable with prospective effect as it had not laid down any new law. However, it said that those who had already bought property through GPA before its judgment could use the documents to apply for regularisation of allotments and leases by development authorities.

"Nothing prevents affected parties from getting registered deeds of conveyance to complete their title. The said transactions may also be used to obtain specific performance or to defend possession under section 53A of TP (Transfer of Property) Act," the court said.
In order to ensure that GPA continues to serve its purpose, the court said its judgment will not affect the validity of sale agreements and powers of attorney executed in genuine transactions. "For example, a person may give a power of attorney to his spouse, son, daughter, brother, sister or a relative to manage his affairs or to execute a deed of conveyance."

The court further said that a person can enter into a development agreement with a land developer or builder for developing the land either by forming plots or by constructing apartment buildings. In that connection he can execute an agreement of sale and grant a power of attorney that will allow the developer to further sell the property to prospective purchasers.

While hearing a matter on the subject, the court had decided to clarify the law on the issue as such transfers had not only led to evasion of stamp duty and registration charges but had also provided scope for investing black money in real estate. Besides, such transfers were giving nightmares to bona fide purchasers as the same property could be sold to several people in the absence of verification or certification of title. A proper verification of ownership was possible only if all property were transferred through registered sale deeds.

Noting that such transactions were now not just limited to Delhi but had spread to neighbouring areas, the court had sought the views of the Centre and the states of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. There was a near unanimity that such transactions should be discouraged as it caused loss of revenue and increased litigation due to defective titles.

Going into the legality of such transfers, the court said any contract of sale which was not a registered sale deed would fall short of the requirements of the relevant provisions of the Transfer of Property Act and could not confer any title.

The court said a transfer of property by way of sale could only be by a sale deed. "In the absence of a deed of conveyance (duly stamped and registered as required by law), no right, title or interest in an immovable property can be transferred," the bench said.

Can’t use PoA to transfer rights of immovable property
It can’t be used to transfer any right, title or interest in an immovable property
Published in LIVEmint in in 01.06.2015

My mother has a flat in Mumbai. She had given me power of attorney (PoA) three years ago so that I could sell the property on her behalf. The general power of attorney (GPA) is not registered. If the GPA is registered, can I sell the property?
—Jayesh Mathur

A PoA is a formal arrangement by which one person (donor-principal) gives another person (the attorney-agent) authority to act on his behalf and in his name. Every act performed by the attorney within the authority of the PoA is legally binding on the person granting it. PoAs can be of two types: special power of attorney (SPA) and general power of attorney. An SPA is used for a specific transaction and authorizes the agent to act on behalf of the principal for a specific purpose. And the GPA gives the agent broad powers to act on behalf of the principal. It covers more than one subject matter and normally gives the agent the right to conduct financial and legal affairs on behalf of the principal, including the right to buy and sell property, liquidate bank accounts and so on. It may be pointed out that a PoA is not an instrument of transfer with regard to any right, title or interest in an immovable property. Even an irrevocable PoA does not have the effect of transferring title to the grantee. An attorney holder may, however, execute a deed of conveyance in exercise of the power granted under the PoA and convey title on behalf of the grantor.

The Registration (Maharashtra Amendment) Act, 2010, effective from 1 April 2013, has resulted in amendment of section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908, in its application to the State of Maharashtra. As per these amendments, an irrevocable PoA relating to transfer of immovable property in any way, executed on and after the commencement of the Registration (Maharashtra Amendment) Act, 2010, shall be compulsorily registrable. Thus, any PoA granted to a person for sale of immovable property will have to be registered with the applicable sub-registrar of assurances, failing which it cannot be put to use.

Hence, you can sell the property only if you have a registered PoA. However, the relevant sub-registrar may not allow the sale of immovable property through a GPA and may insist on a specific PoA for the sale.

Further, it is advisable to mention the details of the property in respect of which the PoA is to be utilized.

According to article 48 of the Maharashtra Stamp Act, the stamp duty payable on a PoA, not being a proxy, when authorizing to sell or transfer immovable property, without consideration or without showing any consideration as the case may be, if given to the father, mother, brother, sister, wife, husband, daughter, son, grandson, grand-daughter or father, mother, brother or sister of the spouse, shall be Rs.500.

If it is executed in favour of a person other than a close relative, authorizing her to sell or transfer the immovable property, the stamp duty payable is the same as that on the sale of property.

Transferring an Employee frequently does not solve any problem, rather it aggravates the problem not only for the employee but for the bank too. In this regard a good write up was published in Hindu Business line a few months ago. 

Stop transferring bank employees    January 11, 2017 21:28 IST | Rajkamal Rao

Beginning in 2017, India’s banks must adopt two bold policies to improve customer service.
First, eliminate the employee transfer madness and offer to return employees working away from their home locations a chance to return home. The goodwill that this creates among bank employees can be a powerful motivator to help improve customer relations. 

Transfers must be limited to special cases, such as lending a particular employee’s expertise for a brief period to solve a distant branch’s problems. This would bring the concept of the “account manager” - long used in direct sales and the brokerage business - to everyday bank employees.

Second, banks should institutionalise a radically new performance management system in which customer service is rated higher than all other attributes. Have you ever received a call from a bank manager about how a particular employee solved a particularly difficult problem?

Because of such a glaring omission in the appraisal process, bank employees have little incentive to please a customer other than do so out of the goodness of their hearts. It is only when a customer can vote on the level of service received from individual employees when employees have strong incentives to excel.

India’s economy is going through major structural changes in money, banking and taxes. The time to innovate and guide customers through all these changes is now. We must stop treating civilian employees like military officers and put an end to needless transfers.

Read full article in following link